Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Strindberg and Helium

Last night, we had our first rehearsal on our feet, and today my butt has informed me that it is very displeased with me. I woke up this morning sore and in need of a good stretch and a run of calisthenics to get my muscles working again. Instead, I sat on a train for an hour. Which didn't help. I'm thinking that six nights a week of jumping around in rhythm like a monkey and weilding a sword like a Viking is just what I need to get into shape. I should be significantly less doughy by the time this show goes up.

My friend Jamsky (whose name is Jen, but has been Jamsky ever since I forgot whether her name is spelled with an "i" or an "e") sent me Strindberg and Helium, which is...well...exactly what one would expect from a cartoon pairing the Expressionist playwright, August Strindberg, with an ebullient pink helium balloon. I can't recommend it enough. It is only possibly surpassed in its weirdness by the home of its animator, Eun-Ha at Milky Elephant, which has all sorts of fun flash animation to play with (but is a little hard to sort through).

Tres strange. Enjoy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's spelled with an 'i'--Ms. Pizza is the "all e all the time" lady. I'm just glad you didn't refer to me as "Monkey."