Friday, February 09, 2007

The Technophobe Comes Around

I was about to post an entry talking about how I've recently discovered podcasts and how much I love new technology, when I realized that podcasting has been around for several years now. Long enough to no longer qualify as a new technology. Which puts me pretty firmly at the back of the technological trend, where I tend to be most comfortable. I tend to be the last to try out any new technology. I managed to avoid MP3s until they'd been around so long I couldn't turn the corner without one appearing in front of me. Had I been around when the hammer was invented, I probably would have kept using my rock.

Suffice to say, I like being able to download This American Life and listen to it at my leisure every week.

New Blogger
For a long time, I've been saying that there are only two people in the world who read this blog (you know who you are), and to tell the truth, it's only half joking. I recently added a site tracker to my blog (you can see it at the bottom of the page), which required me to update my version of Blogger to the New Blogger. I can't tell exactly what's new about it, but I like it. Aside from it being just plain easier to use, it actually tells me how many posts I made per month in my archive section. Which has shown me that I wasn't significantly less prolific this year than any other year. Good to know.

The site tracker is also neat. I added it on recommendation from Mr. B. (who doesn't actually exist, by the way...he's just a figment of my imagination, like Mr. Snuffalupagus, who periodically gives me good advice about aspects of my life. When he and I get together, people on the street stop and stare at me sitting around talking to my hand and laughing, laughing, laughing...), and it really is eye opening. It turns out more people than two visit this site. Many of whom are international. Wow.

Number 1
Finally, I recently googled myself and found that I am the number one Matthew Rossi. That puts me right ahead of the Other Matthew Rossi. I can't say I've won the war, but I'm definitely pulling ahead in the battle.

1 comment:

Dan Wilson said...

That's right... we're watching!