Sunday, July 29, 2007

Not Dead, I Swear

Sorry for the long hiatus. I have no good excuse, except that, what with the impending move, I've been suffering from a bit of verbal paralysis. I've noticed this about myself: when I get stressed, I tend to freeze up on the writing front a bit. That's a great trait for a guy about to enter graduate school for writing.

I'm in NYC looking for apartments and finding the whole process frustrating, daunting, and a whole slew of other infinitives that express my grief over my inability to find a place. I nearly cried when I had to call my dad and ask if he'd cosign for me, since nobody will accept an excellent six-year rental history as a sign I'm a good tenant. If not for the fact that I have great parents and friends, I think I'd be a step closer to fulfilling my nightmare of becoming the best-educated hobo in Manhattan.

Anyway, it's kept me from writing.

In the meantime, while I have slacked away from the blogosphere, my friends have been busy. Sam has officially started up a Fetus Joe blog (he actually did this over a month ago...which is precisely how slack I've been). Before I left my job, I was working on assembling the complete book of Fetus Joe, and though that hasn't come to fruition (yet...crappy real life!), I'm happy new cartoons are coming out. I won't be archiving these anytime soon, though. Anyway, it's not strictly limited to Fetus Joe, but he's a main character. If I ever get off my ass and start having ideas again, I might contribute something to it. Until then, Sam's got the hilarity front covered.

And with that, I'm off to make a few calls and get out into this lovely rainy Manhattan day.

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