Thursday, November 22, 2007

Aaaand, We're Back.

Once upon a time, I had a blog called Here There Be Whales, and it was a pretty good blog. Made some people laugh. Made other people cry. Sometimes it did both. Usually by accident. Then I started on this whole crazy graduate school what to make myself a writer, and I stopped writing regularly. Which is odd, isn't it?

I think so, too, so I've decided to start updating this page more regularly again. There's a couple of reasons for this. One is that I'm living in a new city, which means a lot of new experiences I really should be sorting through. The other is that I'm honestly a little blocked in my writing. Haven't had a new idea in a while, and I'm kind of hoping writing here will help me start writing out there again. And finally, there's the fact that my dad has started a blog called Pan Zen Zero as a way of bridling his rage at the current state of American politics. It's pretty funny.

Anyway, send me your weirdnesses and your ephemera. I need things to write about.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Welcome back. I look forward to reading what you write, even though you don't know who I am. maybe that can inspire you?