Friday, September 03, 2004

Electric and Atonal Equals Beautiful

Alright, I'm officially sick of writing my Johnny Theremin entry, and it's keeping me from writing things I really ought to be doing. I realized with some horror that, just kind of fucking around, I've managed to write more in Chapters 1 and 2 in the past couple of days than I usually am able to write in a few weeks. It's always amazing to me: whenever I just let loose and play, I usually write much easier and much better than when I'm worried about making things good. Typical.

I've recently become addicted to the band TV on the Radio. I discovered them when I was sitting in the Last Drop in Philly and noticed that the music I was listening to really fit the mood of the novel perfectly. Their music is simply beautiful: a layered, atonal blend of electrically buzzing guitar and gut-wrenching vocals. It's something of a blend between Peter Gabriels and Prince, if you can imagine such a thing. You can download the video to their song "Staring at the Sun" courtesy of Touch and Go Records. Anyway, it's fantastic music to write by. Go buy their records. Now. Come on, go.

Alright. I'm going to send my first couple of chapters to the Johnny Theremin people today. Hopefully they'll be posted soon.

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