Friday, October 15, 2004

Another Grey Day in Bizzarro World

The weather is absolutely perfect tonight. Sky clear with a hint of clouds, mild wind, chilly without being oppressive about it. I love it.

A couple of days ago, I found an alternate history, entitled "What if George W. Bush had been Elected President?" on novelist Will Shetterly's blog. To quote:

With the election only a few weeks away, I've decided to take a break from wondering whether Gore's bigger threat is McCain or Nader and instead indulge in a little speculation, inspired by Patrick Nielsen Hayden imagining the horrors of a hypothetical Bush presidency.

I wrote to Patrick Nielsen Hayden, because I couldn't find the post in which he wrote the alternate history to which this refers anywhere on his site. Patrick wrote me back and told me what everyone has probably already figured out for themselves: that there was no such post. He was very polite about the whole thing and explained to me the joke on Shetterly's blog—which, to be fair, I already got—and I deleted the e-mail, feeling generally like an idiot. Which ought to teach me not to e-mail prominent editors while I'm at work, and therefore not at my brightest.

Possibly to cheer me up from feeling like an idiot, my roommate directed me to The Horror of Blimps. It succeeded and I was cheered up.

Tomorrow is moving day. Everything I own, I found out, fits neatly into about twenty miscellaneous boxes and packages. This doesn't count things like furniture and paintings, of course, but all the rest of it. There's something kind of scary about considering that all your worldly possessions and your little mementos of the past and your knickknacks and clothes and everything else that gives your outward appearance to the world—all of it boils down neatly into twenty odd boxes and packages.

Food calls. It says, "Come eat me..."
Masochistic food...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Under slate-grey Victorian skies..."

Did you see Jon Stewart on CNN's Crossfire? Worth checking out:

oh snap.

In other news, I liked your pirate keyboard, but it wouldn't work for Captain Jack Sparrow, now would it? :(

I had no idea you liked NOFX. =)
