Friday, October 01, 2004

a few links...

My friend, Cat, sent me a link to this little rant on the part of the American Family Association, condemning Proctor and Gamble for their support of the "homosexual agenda."

Suppose I told you this ad, which leaves the impression that homosexual sex is normal, thrilling and exciting, was created by P&G and run in a homosexual publication called Xtra.

For starters, I've asked a couple of friends of mine who are gay and they have told me that it's true that homosexual sex is definitely thrilling and exciting (and they are generally of the opinion that it's normal, too). So the AFA can't say Proctor and Gamble is engaging in false advertising. I wish I could say I was shocked and outraged by this ad, but really it's more or less the kind of thing I would expect from a conservative family organization in Mississippi. What did surprise me, though, is that the link the AFA used to show people an example of the P&G ad no longer shows the ad. Instead, the people who run the Commercial Closet site have chosen to use that page to launch a counter offensive and give people a chance to support queer rights. At the end of the AFA rant, they suggest you call Proctor and Gamble and complain about their little ad. I, for one, think that anyone who thinks that Proctor and Gamble's support of homosexual rights (see this article for some information on that) is dead-on what they should be doing should call them at the number the AFA has so kindly provided and tell them to keep up the good work.

On the other hand, I have to admit that, upon reading an article on Neil Gaiman's site, which described Catholic outrage about sexually explicit candy wrappers, I had to at least half agree with the Catholics. Look at them! There's no denying that the lime is giving head to those cherries and the cherries are digging it.

And finally, we have an article on Making Light, which scared the shit out of me. I doubt anyone who reads this blog is planning to vote for Bush, but in case you were, read this. Can there be any doubt how awful he is?

This post is a lot heavier than I wanted it to be when I started. So to end it on a high note (and since hipsters have come up in conversation recently), I bring you hipster bingo.


Anonymous said...

A while ago we were watching the news and there was someone speaking about the "homosexual agenda" and Darcy and I looked at each other and were quiet for a minute and then she clapped her hands together and said like a small bewildered child, "we have an AGENDA???"

i think thats just the best reaction to that phrase ever.


Anonymous said...

That was almost exactly Rob's response. He said, "There's an agenda? I knew about our conspiracy, but not our agenda."
