Wednesday, November 03, 2004

My Nation's Legacy

This is who we've voted for. This is what we decided was best for our country. Anyone who sees this, this is your children, your brothers, your husbands and wives, daughters, grandchildren. This is nobody who he knows. This is nobody who he has ever cared about. We were supposed to care about these people and we didn't. We failed.

All eloquence has fairly well fled my mind. So I'm reduced to just a flight of rage.

Fuck you, John Kerry, and the sincere thanks you sent me this morning. You conceded before you even counted all the votes. And fuck you, George Bush for fucking up my country. You've given me four more years of ulcers. And fuck you everyone who voted for that rat bastard, who voted your wallets instead of humanity. Fuck you people who voted FOR the gay marriage ban last night. Did you realize that there were actual live people whose lives and dreams and loves you were ruining? Damn near desstroying? Did you think you were just playing rhetorical games with levers? And fuck you, everyone who could have voted and didn't.

And thank you to the people who voted and who helped and who cared and who continue to care and who will continue to fight, just fight, just don't give up. This is our country, not theirs and they don't get to have it.

Okay, now that I got that out of my system, my day thus far:

I woke up at seven feeling perky enough from my two hours of sleep to go to work for an hour and crash, so I opted to stay home instead. Work up again at one and went toward the Grind for a cup of coffee, some food, and to see if I could connect to the Internet and find out who my President is. When I was across the street from Bonnie's house, she called me and told me Kerry was conceding, so I crossed the street and caught Kerry's last few minutes of speech and a room full of my friends in tears and the beginning of what can only be a bad day for my country.

Sigh. I have nothing left to say just now. I'm scared. Genuinely scared. And I'm considering moving to France or Spain or Germany or some place where I can teach English and flip my finger at Chuckles the Monkeyboy President.

And I'm sad, now, and worried for my friends.

1 comment:

DRE said...

Hey Matt! It's Andrea! I have been reading your blog regularly. Keep writing my friend..I find your writing quite fulfilling to read. When Bush won the election on Tuesday, I seriously thought about fleeing the country too, but I've done a lot of thinking since then and I think I'm going to really be needed here over the next 4 years.......this country is going to need all the progressive minds we can get! I totally can relate to your outrage though Matt. It almost swallowed me on Wednesday. Talk soon! Peace and hope, Andrea G.