Friday, October 07, 2005


I've been hit with a barrage of comment spam over the past week or so. Most of it from automated bots. Since I can't protect from comment spam, or at least, since I don't know how I can protect from comment spam using Blogger, I'm turning off comments for a while. Which sucks, because I really like to get comments.

If anyone knows how to protect Blogger blogs from comment spam, let me know. In the mean time, if anyone has a comment that absolutely must be made, feel free to e-mail me with it. If it's outstanding, I'll even post it.


Within less than an hour of posting, I received this:


I don't know if anybody has already answered your plea for a solution to Blogger comment spam, but I've found the word verification option to work well so far. Just go to the settings page, then the comments page, scroll down a bit, and toggle the button that says something like "enable word verification for comments". Then when somebody wants to post a comment, they have to type the letters they see. I think the letters are an image file, which prevents spambots from being able to do it (so far). Good luck!

Matt Cheney

Thanks, Matt. I'll try it and see how that works.
Which fairly well invalidates this entire entry, but you know. Saga of my life and all.

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