Friday, October 14, 2005

In My Defense

Let's get a couple of things straight. I really didn't mean to take today off. Honest. I didn't lie about the gas company having to come by to check my meter so that they could change my address. What I meant to do today was get up, go to work, sit at my desk like a good employee, and then go to rehearsal tonight. It was not my plan to sit around my apartment playing computer games and peeling pomegranates for liqueur all morning, just so that I could run downstairs when I heard my doorbell ring at two, only to find that my landlord could have let the nice man from the gas company in to read the meter all along. Swear to God, this is true. And I am at The Grind. My day is mildly wasted. No productivity for me. Woe.

I'm reminded of back when I used to take sick days in school. The general rule in my house was that if you were sick enough to stay home from school, you were sick enough to spend the day in bed, and you certainly weren't going out that night. I feel a bit guilty sitting in The Grind writing this. But only mildly so.

Down to business...
There's not much news on this end. Shiny and I are beginning work on the structure and writing of The Strange Dreams of Nobody in Particular, which is my serial/mosaic theatre project to be performed this spring. For the first time since I first proposed the project a year ago, I'm really excited about it. More on that when more develops.

Also, In the next few weeks I'm going to be retooling my Web site a bit to make it easier for me to use, to tie this blog to it a bit better, and to just make it a little less of a waste of space.
Right now, I have a couple of stories up, but nothing new, an outdated film script of mine that was something I slapped together in a week, and a page promising excerpts from my novel, which I haven't finished and really should (the novel and the page). I kind of get the feeling like I could have a blog, sans homepage, and that'd work just as well. And that's not what we want. So.

Anyone who wants to make suggestions regarding this, I'm all ears. Ears and typing fingers.

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