Tuesday, November 01, 2005

All Saints

As time marches forward and this blog gets older, I find myself periodically checking my previous posts to make sure I haven't reused the same titles over and over again (for example, I didn't use "All Saints" last year, but I am almost certain I have used the title "Best Laid Plans" at least three times, because whenever plans derail that's the first thought in my head).

Last night's War of the Worlds parade festivities went off reasonably well. Various Tantalus associates showed up in suits and sunglasses as men in black covering up the alien landing. Others we gave Hazmat suits and cotton swabs to assess the possibility of an alien infection. The reporter who was supposed to interview us to let the crowd know exactly what we were doing there had some technical difficulties, which meant we stood around waiting in the rain for about a half hour before we finally scrapped the idea of an interview and just decided to work the crowd. Which we did, and it was fun. I can't, in fact, remember having more fun on Halloween since I was a kid.

After the parade, I went to the Playground to catch the final Monday Show, which was easily the best installment I saw this run. There's some talk of another run starting next summer, and I sincerely hope that happens. The Monday Show is consistently the best improv show I've seen in this city. It's made Monday my night to sit back for an hour or so and see just how cool and interesting and complex people are. I would be really sad to have to say goodbye to it.

Speaking of excellent shows, Capote should be required viewing to anyone who claims to be an actor. It's rare that I watch a movie with a well-known star and am able to forget which actor I'm watching. In Capote, there was only one moment--a microsecond--when I remembered it was Phillip Seymour Hoffman acting. The rest of the time, it was Truman Capote on the screen. Go see it. I wept. You will, too.

And finally, since you've been good little boys and girls, I give you my Halloween costume:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not really anonymous, but I do not like to see my name on other people's blogs. I just wanted to say that I like your costume, and I bet it got a quizzical look or snort from my brother. :)