Monday, November 21, 2005


This morning, after a long last night of rearranging my flight and last-minute packing, I got up early, went to work for an hour and a half, and then left to catch a 10:55 flight out to Boston. I got here at two, right as my niece came into the world, caught excellent train karma from the airport to the hospital. A kind midwife led me into the labor room and told another, somewhat more businesslike midwife that I was Jenn Rossi's brother (a minor omission of the in-law) and they asked if I could come in. I didn't even get my bags down before my brother tackled me (not tackled, exactly, but I can't remember anyone greeting me with such gusto), followed by my mother, followed by Jenn's father, until I finally had to tell everyone in the room that I'd very much like the next person I kissed to be my niece.

She's lovely. She's a week early, but she was right on time because she arrived almost exactly when I did. And she's very strong and curious like I was when I was newborn. And she's beautiful. And she has a smell about her that can only be described as new-human smell, as in she smells the way we smell uncorrupted. And have I mentioned how beautiful she is? Well she is. I hope Uncle Matt gets to be a big part of her life.

We waited around the hospital for a while, and finally Jenn was moved to the postnatal ward of the birthing center and we said our goodbyes for the evening. I was entrusted with my niece's placenta, which was given to me in a large plastic tub. The kind they put potato salad in at the deli. The plan is to bury the placenta tomorrow. I do not know where we're burying the placenta, but I think that I was voted into the task because a) I'm Mike's brother, b) I'm the least squeamish family member, and c) I wrote a story about a uterus that rises up against its owner, so it seemed only natural that I should be the one to help bury a placenta.

Now I should sleep. Because my computer says it is 9:55, but my computer lies because it is actually 10:55 here, and it's actually three in the morning, according to my body.

I have a niece!


D.Garrett said...

:) Bonnie says that a lot of people like to bury placentas in gardens. I don't know how she could possibly know that, but that it what she said. Congratulations and Happy Thanksgiving to you and Jen and the rest of your family.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Now you are never allowed to forget my birthday.