Thursday, May 18, 2006

Holy Exquisite Corpse

The wheels to get me to grad school are officially in motion as of this week. I registered for my GRE and have begun researching schools, tuitions, etc. Which means I need to start studying, writing critical essays, revising my writing portfolio, etc. The hardest part about all of this, I think, is simply beginning to do it. I'm frankly a little afraid to start moving forward. But it must be done and fear has to be put aside and self actualization and so on and so so forth.


Here we go.

Luckily, it's the summer, which, since I work for a university print shop, means I have fuck all to do with my day but sit and research grad schools on the Internet.

I've been promising/threatening to post something about ferments and wine making and so forth on here one of these days. This weekend might be the time to do it. I meant to start a batch of white wine to turn into base absinthe alcohol last night, but was waylaid at the grocery store by Jess and Glen, who whisked me off to a friend's birthday party, where they forced me to drink delicious champagne and eat delicious cheese. Oh, the agony.

It occured to me as I was paying for the grapes to make white wine that, with grapes costing 3.99/lb, I might have actually paid less to buy five gallons of cheap wine than I did to make my own. That's a good life lesson to learn.

C'est la vie.

Erin sent me a link to Zoom Quilt today. Play with only complaint is that it doesn't last longer.


Dan Wilson said...

ahhh, but you didn't just pay for the wine, you paid for the experience of making the wine.

Pay a little extra and maybe they'll let you stomp wines nude with the hot winery employee of your choice.

Don't pay enough, though, and you end up stomping naked with the employee of their choice.

Do ya feel lucky, punk? Do ya?

Matthew Rossi said...

See...its comments like these that make me think I need to move to California.